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Test Ticket Guidance

How do I complete the test tickets?

Sammi Frost avatar
Written by Sammi Frost
Updated over 5 years ago

New to the SimplrFlex Platform? Not sure how to start your test ticket phase? This bit of information will help you get started.

If you haven't already, we highly suggest you first watch this set of videos. Our platform is constantly evolving, so things may not be exactly the same, but they're close enough.

How do I take a ticket?

To take a ticket, make sure you are on the "Incoming" tab and click the "Take" button that will appear in the top right corner when a new ticket becomes available. You will also hear a notification tone when new tickets are sent to your incoming tab. If you do not hear a notification tone, make sure you are using a Chrome browser and have notifications enabled for the platform.  

Note: If you are taking multiple tickets at once, you will want to look for a small arrow at the top left corner and click it to go back to your "Incoming" tab, where you can click "Take" for any other tickets. 

How do I complete a ticket?

When you finish writing your response, make sure you click the small airplane icon to send your response first and then click the "resolve" button. When you click "Resolve", a confirmation pop up will ask “Are you sure you want to resolve?” Click "Resolve" to confirm and it will be submitted for evaluation.

Need help finding the answer to a ticket? 

Once you take a ticket or select it from the "My Items" list, it will automatically open the "Actions" window on the right hand side. Here you can access a variety of information, including Company Info and searching for Common Questions. 

Note: Company Info will open a separate window that will allow you to view the various articles. You will need to go back to the SimplrFlex platform to continue working tickets. 

What happens after I finish my 10 tickets? 

Once you've completed your test tickets, they will be evaluated; once this process is complete, you will receive an email that lets you know whether your score was a pass or fail. This process normally takes 7-10 business days. 

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