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Expert Payments

How are Experts compensated?

Sammi Frost avatar
Written by Sammi Frost
Updated over 3 years ago

How do I get paid?

Currently, Experts must have an active PayPal or Venmo account, since that's how we will be issuing payments. If you don't have one, it's free to sign up here.

What is the payment schedule? 

Experts will be paid every Monday by the end of the day (11:59 PM central) for tickets completed between Saturday - Friday of the previous week.

  • The cutoff for a completed (resolved) conversation to be included each week is Friday @ 11:59 PM central. 

  • This means that conversations must have been answered by Wednesday @ 11:59 PM central to potentially be resolved by Friday @ 11:59 PM since tickets must be answered for 48 hours to be considered resolved.

Please note that only properly resolved tickets will be paid out.

A ticket is considered resolved when it is properly resolved on the platform by clicking the resolve button after it has met one of the following conditions:

  • The Customer's concerns have been addressed and no further information is needed to resolve their issue and the Customer has not responded in 48 hours.

  • The Customer has not responded in 48 hours.

If you are having trouble resolving a ticket you can always ask the SimplrFlex team for help by emailing us at or chatting with us by clicking the blue button. 

Tickets that are closed prior to resolution will not count towards payment. This means if you resolve/close a ticket, but fail to help the customer, you will not receive payment.

How can I know how many tickets/chats I’ve resolved? 

We recommend that Experts keep a running tally of how many tickets they have completed to use as a reference. Some Experts even keep a record of each ticket number.

We also display a count of your resolved tickets in the sidebar of the platform for your reference.

You'll also receive a SimplrFlex pay statement each Monday that lists every ticket that you've resolved.

You can also view your pending and historical earnings by visiting your Dashboard.

Please note that your Dashboard and Pay Statement links should be treated like passwords. Sharing them with others will allow them to access your data.

Why didn't I get paid for a ticket? 

  • Has the ticket been resolved for 48 hours or more? 

  • Was the ticket resolved and not escalated? 

  • Was it closed out by Friday at 11:59 PM?

  • Is it after 11:59 PM central on Monday? 

If you answered "Yes" to all of the above, shoot us a note at, and we'll look into it!

How are incentives calculated and paid? 

More details on incentive calculations and payments are available here.

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