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Written by Sammi Frost
Updated over a week ago

Customer service is one of the most important aspects of running a successful business, and SimplrFlex is responsible for helping businesses and entrepreneurs from around the world provide excellent customer service.

According to the 2017 American Express Customer Service Barometer:

  • 33% of customers will consider taking their business elsewhere after just one poor customer service experience.

  • 52% of customers in the US have chosen NOT to complete a purchase or transaction due to poor customer service. 

  • 72% of customers are willing to spend as much as 16% more due to a positive customer service Experience.

  • On average, customers in the US are likely to tell 15 people about a poor customer service experience.

As a customer service professional, you ultimately impact almost every transaction that will ever occur for a business, so it's essential that you get it right and provide the customer an excellent experience.

You can find in this area some tips and hints for providing excellent customer service on the SimplrFlex platform. The SimplrFlex mission is to provide world-class customer service to our business partners and their customers. 

These practices have been crafted after working with hundreds of businesses and thousands of customers. We've found that the best Experts model these behaviors in virtually every interaction and their customer review scores prove it.

The Expert Success Guide (ESG) is a living document, so its contents will evolve along with evolving customer demands, so it may be helpful to refer back to it.

There is a lot of information, too, but don't let it overwhelm you. We've laid out the articles to go from fundamental behaviors to perfecting your craft. While this doesn't mean you should skip reading the later articles, it does mean you can break your reading into more manageable sections.

The contents of the ESG are all suggestions and not directives or requirements. At the end of the day, you are the Expert who is providing customer service. That said, Experts who take the ESG average Customer Reviews that are nearly .25 stars higher and earn almost double than those who do not.

Please note: This guide includes example tickets in many of the sections. Some of these examples are fictitious, but some of them are real. However, even the ones that are fictitious are based on actual tickets.

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