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Explicitly Answer
Sammi Frost avatar
Written by Sammi Frost
Updated over a week ago

Ensure you explicitly answer any questions that the customer asks.

If they ask if an item includes X, it is important to give the customer a direct answer. Including a list of the box's contents leaves the customer to dig for the answer. Instead, say yes or no and then include the full list of contents.

If the customer asks if an item will fit, including a size guide or specifications still leaves the customer to come up with the answer. You should tell them that you think the item will or will not fit, make a size suggestion, and then provide them with the additional details.

Experts sometimes use the tactic of not answering the question as a way to avoid blame or avoid disappointing the customer if their answer was wrong. It's much better to do your best to ensure your answer is correct and then own it.

It can sometimes feel difficult to make these sorts of calls without having touched or seen the product, but it is important that you become comfortable with this practice. In today's economy, many of our Business Partners may never even touch some of their  products. They are often manufactured, warehoused, and shipped from a separate site. Yet, the Business Partner would find a way to provide the answer, so the Expert should, as well.

And, remember, you can always reach out to us for guidance in these situations if you don't feel comfortable finding and/or providing a response.

Examples of Indirect Answer

Examples of Explicit Answer

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