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Knowledge & Skills

I'm not good at _____ tickets. How can I improve or let you know?

Sammi Frost avatar
Written by Sammi Frost
Updated over a week ago

Our platform is designed to route tickets to the Expert who is most likely to answer that ticket correctly. The platform does this by learning what tickets you're great at over time, but you can give it a boost or override it by providing Self-Ratings of your Knowledge & Skills.

You can provide these ratings from the Knowledge & Skills section of your Dashboard. Simply click on each Self-Ratings category and provide a πŸ‘, πŸ‘Œ, or πŸ‘Ž rating for each item. There are quite a few, and more may be added over time.

Your Self-Ratings will start to be incorporated into the routing over the next few weeks. If you have a religious or personal reason for not taking certain tickets, please reach out so that we can incorporate this feedback earlier.

From the Knowledge & Skills section of your Dashboard, you can also access a variety of optional Courses & Assessments. These are designed to help you improve your skills for a particular Business Partner or ticket type or prepare you for a new type of task on the platform. Some courses even earn you compensation, special swag, or badges/certifications upon completion.

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