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Basic Ticket Handling

How do I handle tickets in the SimplrFlex platform?

Sammi Frost avatar
Written by Sammi Frost
Updated over 3 years ago

New to the SimplrFlex Platform and unsure of how to handle the tickets received? Not to worry, here is a tidbit of information that may help! For more information on ticket timetables (how long you have to answer a ticket), check out this article.

If you're an Expert, you'll also have a SimplrFlex Basics course on your Dashboard to give you an overview of the SimplrFlex platform.

How do I take a ticket? 

  • When you receive a ticket, click “Take” to accept the ticket and begin working on it. Please note, part of this process requires categorizing (also known as tagging) the ticket, so make sure you do this within the 5 minutes allowed. If you do not do this, the ticket will time-out on you.

What if I need help answering a ticket? 

  • After taking or clicking on a ticket, the "Actions" tab automatically opens. If you exit out of the "Actions" tab or it does not automatically open, click the "Actions" button to access helpful platform features including the Company Info and FAQs.

How do I escalate a ticket? 

  • To escalate a ticket to the next level of support, click the “Escalate” button, enter the reason for the escalation, and then click "Escalate Now." 

  • Click here to learn more about when to escalate a ticket. 

How do I resolve a ticket?

  • When you are ready to resolve the ticket, click the “Resolve” button. A confirmation pop-up will ask “Are you sure you want to resolve?” Click "Resolve" to confirm. The ticket will close and the customer will be sent a survey. 

  • Click here to learn more about when to resolve a ticket.

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